Wednesday, July 7, 2010

chicken rice PULAO (the easy recipe)

Pulao is a hot favorite dish of Pakistan and its pritty simple to make
  • onions .................................. 1 medium chopped
  • tomatoes...........................2 chopped
  • garlic .................................2 cloves crushed
  • oil ......................................half cup
  • chicken ................................ half KG
  • rice ......................................2cups( socked in water for half an hour)
  • black pepper whole ..........5 to 6
  • cloves whole ......................2 to 3
  • cumin seed ........................1tea spoon
  • sinamen whole ..................1 inch piece(broken)
  • black pepper powder .......half tea spoon
  • chicken stalk..................................4 cups
  • salt................................................... to taste
  • Garam misala powder .................half tea spoon
put water ,chicken garlic and salt in a pan boil until the chicken is tender ,measure the chicken stalk with the help of a cup it should be 4 cups if less then that then add some water .

In a separate wide pan add the chopped onions and the oil and fry until the onions turn golden brown

now add boiled chicken and fry for 2 to 3 minitues

add chopped tomatoes and all other spices except Garam Misala powder stir for a while until the tomatoes are fully cooked
add the 4 cup chicken stalk to it and let it boilalso add the socked rice to boiling stalk cook for 5 minutes stirring with a spoon occasionally until a thin layer of stalk is left over the rice (see the picture above).Now is the time to add the garam missala powder and cover the pan with the lid and slow down the heat to minimum and let it cook (with the lid on )for another 15 minutes,please don't remove the lid during these 15 minutes ....... thats it your tasty Chicken rice Pulao is ready

after 15 minutes

eat !


  1. Oh, that looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us.

  2. That does look good! Thank you for stopping by for my SITS day today!

  3. This looks and sounds delicious! Too bad i don't eat meat anymnore. :/
    Maybe i could substitute soy chicken style nuggets or something for the chicken...hmmm.....

  4. mmm this looks tasty! Can't wait to give it a try!

  5. This looks really good! What is the Garam Misala powder though...? I've never heard of that.

  6. thanks Katie and Viv the gram masala is a combination of spices ground into fine powder the spices include cloves,cumin seeds, black pepper, Cinnamon,black cardamoms ....


i am anxiously waiting for your comments :)


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