Hi friends hows life :) do you remember my last post on free hand pot painting ! today's post is a continuation of it. I will show you another free hand pot painting project that i was only fifteen at that time and was free after my exams oh 10th grade so i made this along with two smaller vases (which were hijacked by some family friends ):) so couldn't show you but this one! my mother has kept safe with her through all these years and she loves it .The vase is made of Plaster of Paris all i did was that i coated it with white poster paint as a base then drew a free hand net of flowers and leaves all over with pencil and then i painted them and when every thing was dry i gave it a slight spray of lacquer to secure the poster paints as they are water solvable so humid weather may damage its appearance gradually or if God forbid some body holds it with wet hands or sweated hands ! Oh my God that would be a disaster :) so the lacquer spray is a guard against all these mishaps .
A bit Close Up to show you the details ,while painting this beauty i filled the petals with ultramarine blue mixed with white and then pure in the darker areas .Lastly! outlined them with Navy blue ,this out lining part was the most difficult one as i did it with size 1 brush and you have to hold your breath to paint such delicate lines because breathing produce a light movement in your hold so your lines will also show up these slight tremors, plus its very time consuming too any how those were free days ,No responsibilities so i could work with full dedication but know after kids and taking care of the house it looks like a dream :)
You can notice the slight chip off look in some flowers this is the effect that 13 years has marked on it but it kind of look better this way :) sort of a slight vintage look !what do you think?
the upper and lower brims are also painted in navy blue ,a simple but elegant border.